Psychic Killed by Train

Paper: ISBN 978-1-93-1236-13-3 $13
Hard Cover: ISBN 978-1-93-1236-14-0 $21

112 Pages

What critics say:

“By turns tender, tart, gently ironic, heartbreakingly beautiful, Ron Overton’s poems celebrate what is lost and what is found in the neon rainbowed urban/suburban world of late twentieth century America, life as advertised and life as really lived, life of the soft soap and the hard sell….In these wildly comic outtakes of the American dream, immediacy is everywhere mediated by pop culture, the media’s middlemen…promising to give back to us what we have lost—‘the ability to feel.’ With his sharp eye and delicate jazz-inflected ear Ron Overton sings of the fading icons of America’s childhood…in the twilight of the American century.” —L.S. Asekoff